About Me

About Me

Here is a bit of my back story and why I chose to become a vintage seller. I personally use and love vintage stuff. I grew up in a family with a low to moderate income with a mom that perpetually shopped at thrift stores before it was cool. The older I got the less embarrassing it became, but back in the 1970’s it wasn’t that cool. In the 1980’s when I moved out on my own I found it necessary to shop for secondhand in order to furnish and stock my home and establish my independence. As time went on, it evolved into a hobby to seek out cool vintage finds. At some point I ended up with too much.

There was a pivotal moment that I decided to become a seller. I went to an estate sale on the final day of the sale. I found a few really cool items which had no price, so I asked, “How much for these?”. The lady replied, “just make a pile. Trust me, it will be very cheap. This is the final hour and we need to get rid of everything”. I filled up two big tables, which filled up my entire car to the point where I could hardly drive safely. My husband was at home and I knew he was going to say something like “What in the hell are you going to do with all of this stuff?”. So, when I got home, before I showed him the massive amount of what would become inventory, I announced that I was going to start selling. And so I did.

I wasn’t great at selling to start, but I persevered, learned, kept trying, and now you can benefit from my experience in a quick, concise breakdown of what it takes to establish a successful vintage shop on Etsy. You can view my shop here at https://www.etsy.com/shop/RosemarybytheSea